Vladimir Mukhin
Chef ★ - Moscow
White Rabbit:
White Rabbit
We love being sustainable. It’s the only chance for a better life – for us and our children. We have a lot of sustainable initiatives in White Rabbit: the latest was that I’ve quit the idea of using normal demiglace and fully replaced it with vegetable demiglace. We produce it from vegetable peels and leftovers. Cooking with foie gras, caviar and truffles is easy, it’s unbeatable, but when you try to think outside the box, find another angle – that’s challenging.
The best food is fresh food – a la minute) We have about 20 suppliers in our restaurant – some are farmers growing organic vegetables and herbs for us, some are providing us with fish and poultry, some are gathering cones and wild flowers in the forest.
My mission was always to make Russian cuisine popular all over the world, but apart from this I’m really into making World a better place – with less plastic, less animal suffering, less unhealthy food. Each of my latest degustation menu is full of latest sustainable trends.