Juan Arbelaez

Position: Chef - Paris
: Vida

The way I eat, consume and choose my products has changed a lot lately.

The environmental challenges we face require us to reassess our consumption patterns to combat one of the biggest issues that affects our planet: over-consumption.

Faced with this challenge, we must all reflect, each to his/her own measure, on how to develop consumption and do their part for future generations.

Consume seasonal products

It’s very simple! We can all pay a little more attention to the natural cycle of the seasons. Seasonal products are less processed, more suited to our nutritional needs and less expensive.

Choose small local producers

Consuming locally is a simple way to fight greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the number of kilometers your food travels before reaching your plate. Choose local and national products and, in France, do not hesitate to try the deals offered by AMAP (Associations pour le maintien d’une agriculture paysanne) to support small producers. However, enjoy a mango or a lime from time to time!

Avoid food waste

We often cook with abundance and generosity, but overproduction of food is one of the main causes of global warming. There are two very simple ways to combat food waste and avoid buying products in unnecessary quantities:

  • Streamline your shopping list by developing advance menus for the week.
  • Cook your leftovers at the end of the week with an improvised frichti or brunch.

Reduce plastic consumption

Plastic destroys our oceans and biodiversity. We know it. It is imperative to reduce our consumption and permanently ban all single-use plastics that we use daily without even paying attention (bags and bottles, straws, cotton swabs…).

Here are some easy ideas to put into practice to start reducing your personal plastic waste production:

  • Use a reusable water bottle while traveling or at the office.
  • Drink tap water when you are at home.
  • Use reusable bags for shopping and nets for your fruits and vegetables.