Denis Martin

Position: Chef ★ - Suisse
: Restaurant Denis Martin

When I started my apprenticeship as a cook in 1971, we did not believe that everything was perfect; far from it, it was the beginning of intensive farming, the food industry with its overdoses of sugar, salt and glutamate.

Today it is a pleasure to see the young generation reacts and above all acts! On the other hand, we must not throw everything away, let’s keep the good products that created gastronomy.

For many years, I have eliminated sugar in my kitchen. With our evaporators we make our hydrosols and our essential oils, which prevent us from recovering the over-acidity of the product, thus no longer needing to compensate with sugar.

Son of a market gardener, I have always been immersed in the plant world, but today I want to go further by installing a permaculture garden next to our restaurant, I really want to learn and understand this plant world as if I was having a second youth at age 64.

These products will become part of our restaurant consumption, the rest being supplied by our small local producers.

Another point that is close to my heart: I will not refrain from working with beautiful marine products even if we do not have the sea in Switzerland! From sustainable fishing, Sea Bass, Lisette, Langoustine, St Jacques (Don’t forget that our customers flock to our restaurants by plane) will always be present on my tables. On the other hand, on our menu of around twenty dishes, these marine products should only represent 10% of its composition. I think it is also important to inform young people about these high-end products, and that they should be admired and respected. On the other hand, I strongly advise against farmed fish whose production methods I absolutely do not endorse.

I keep telling young people, don’t go out on the street to demonstrate, stop buying shamefully made products, if you don’t eat them anymore, then they won’t be produced anymore. In the 1980s, cans, powdered sauce, etc. filled the shelves, today freshness is a key factor in customer satisfaction.

For me, the famous saying “it used to be better” is not obvious …